Актуальная стоимость топлива на топливной заправке для катеров и яхт «Ристикент»
К оплате принимаются наличные и банковские карты.
GAS station

GAS station 2

The first floating refueling station (FRS) for boats and yachts in the Murmansk region operates in the Ristikent Boat Club. The FRS allows you to refuel boats, yachts and other small vessels on the water with one of two types of fuel: AI-95 and Diesel. Refueling is carried out through fuel dispensers. Cash and bank cards are accepted for payment.
The FRS is operated under the supervision of the Russian River Register. The requirements of environmental and fire safety are observed. The use of FRS is a civilized and most environmentally friendly way to refuel small vessels on the water.